Name : Kunsh Upadhayay

Designation: Student

We interviewed Kunsh Upadhayay, a student of class 10 studying in Delhi Public School, to find out the changes in his studies due to the pandemic. It also deals with the matter regarding how he managed to adapt the sudden change from traditional methods of studying to digital methods.

1) How many hours do you spend on electronic gadgets like mobile and laptop? As a student how does your experience of online educational programs differ from traditional class instruction? How do you like or dislike it?

Well though I used to spend more hours on gadgets but now if I specify then the fixed time of classes is around 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. Therefore, the context of using gadgets has changed from entertainment purpose to educational purpose.  Yeah! Find it quite interesting but traditional ways are more comfortable if I talk about 10th or 12th boards.

 2) How online education affected your lifestyle?

Well, it made me quite active as using systems daily for a fixed time period made me realize that gadgets are worthwhile if you are goal-oriented. As well as it is also making me learn new technological interfaces such as how to use google classroom etc. 

3) How it is affecting your mental health?

Well till now I’m perfectly fine!

 4Do you think it is affecting your physical health?

No, I don’t think so because I give fixed hours to this and I’m also taking out time to do some physical exercise as well as participating in outdoor activities such as games.

 5) Has your dependency on gadgets increased after the pandemic broke out?

I would say yes to this because it really does.

 6) Are you able to actively communicate/participate during online classes like you used to do in the classroom?

Yes! I do though there sometimes occur some technical glitches it gets ordered. In comparison, I would say classroom concepts are much better.

 7) Have your teachers improved their teaching skills since the beginning of Covid-19

Yes, they did.

 8) Do you think online education is a viable alternative during a pandemic?

Yes, it is.

 9) If a teacher and students show their faces, then does the lecture become interactive?

Yes, it does give a somewhat feeling of social connection.

 10) Do a slide show and explained videos make a lecture easier to understand for the students?

Yes! It does make lectures interactive and easier to grasp.

 11) Do you think online assessment creates more anxiety than traditional form?

Sometimes it does when you did not get the concept and the session ends.

 12) How does the amount of course work in your online education program compare with traditional class interaction?

As our classroom got compressed to a system so as the course. As most of the course has been cut off so there are no more glitches regarding the completion of the course.

 13) As a student, what could you do to improve the quality of your online education? What do you think are the important factors determining the quality of the online instruction you receive?

According to me, the quality of education can only improve with one-on-one interaction and that important factors are active participation from both the ends that is teachers as well as students.

 14) As a student, do you think your learning outcomes could be achieved through online education? Why? How?

Though in the beginning, I felt a little anxious about how I’m going to achieve the learning outcomes now I’m all well acquainted with this online thing and getting the most out of it.

 15) Do you think teachers are also facing difficulties in operating the digital medium?

Yes, in the initial period they faced some problems as some of them asked the students themselves how to operate and how to share slides but now they have adapted it and doing quite well.

 16) Which in the end leads to less efficiency of teaching?

Both traditional and online teaching are well though traditional is more efficient but I’m enjoying the digital one too.

 17) What factors would lead you to choose online educational programs rather than traditional instruction?

Getting time for self, acquaintance with the home environment, enjoying classes while being in my zone of comfort.

 18) As a student, how would you rate the overall quality of online education you receive?  Very good, good, moderate, or not good? why?

I would rate it as good because it keeps me busy during this pandemic.

 19) Does in your opinion online studying made you a better combo of traditional and technical knowledge, which may help you in longer-term due to technical upheaval?

Yes! It really did.

From the interview, we could understand that the pandemic had immensely affected the normal life of the people. The life of students had also changed a lot. Digital means we’re used for classes instead of traditional one. Though, it seemed difficult in the beginning for both students and teachers, they tackled and overcame the difficult. Hence, the pandemic made the people to fight together with confidence amidst the hardships.

Questionnaire by:

        Parul Mavai

​​​        Divyam Bansal

       Shreya Tripathi 

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