Acne is a condition of the skin that is developed when tiny pores present on the skin are blocked by bacteria, oil or dirt causing blackheads, whiteheads or pimples. Individual of any age can be affected by this condition however, acne is common in teenagers. Although acne can develop anywhere in the body but most commonly affected areas are the face, chest, back and shoulder.
(1.) Production of excess oil: Skin has sebaceous glands which secrete sebum (oil). This is necessary in order to keep the skin lubricated. But in certain cases, the skin starts producing excess sebum which clogs the hair follicle leading to acne.
(2.) Bacteria: There are conditions when the skin pores are blocked by the growth of bacteria. This does not allow the sebum to escape from the skin. As a result, oil starts accumulating making bacterial growth to be prominent. This causes acne.
(3.) Dead skin cells: Dead skin cells shed off from the skin on their own. But in some circumstances, they get mixed up with sebum and blocks the pores. Your body responds towards it and tries to kill the external body due to which that area turns red and a bump develops. This leads to acne.
(1.) Hormonal changes: Teenagers are at higher risk of developing acne because during puberty there are hormonal changes. Hormonal imbalance can also be experienced during the menstrual cycle and menopause. The imbalance in the hormone levels leads to excess secretion of sebum which causes acne.
(2.) Medicines: There are certain medicines that lead to the secretion of excess oil thereby inducing acne. Some of the medicines are birth control pills or corticosteroids.
(3.) Sugar intake: Intake of refined sugar increases the insulin in the blood. This can make acne condition worse.