“If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives” – Robert South

The coronavirus pandemic has been a tough ride for everyone around the world. Its been almost 4 months since the nationwide lockdown has been imposed. The most important measure which had to be taken by all was keeping their hamds clean regularly and proper sanitization.

The Anti Corona Task Force (Anti Corona Task Force( Pandemic Force)) team has always been working since then to provide safety gears to people regularly. Presently, Anti Corona Task Force( Pandemic Force) Uttarakhand under the guidance of Mr. Jata Shankar Srivastava (State President) distributed masks, sanitizers, gloves and soaps to farmers in Bheemtal. Safety gears were distributed taking care of all the security measures.

It is very important that we all come forward towards helping people around and making this pandemic a bit easy for all.

We are all in this “Together”; for any assistance, query or feedback please contact us on the details.

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